Ludovico Cavaleri

(Milano, 1867 – Cuvio, 1941)



Ludovico Cavaleri: A Painter of Light and Atmosphere


Ludovico Cavaleri was born in Milan on November 15, 1867, the son of a surgeon and the nephew of artists. His artistic training was mainly self-taught, although he briefly attended the School of Perspective of Giuseppe Mentessi. In 1888 he abandoned his medical studies to devote himself entirely to painting.

His career began in the name of Lombard Naturalism, with a predilection for seascapes, influenced by artists such as Pompeo Mariani and Giorgio Belloni. However, Cavaleri did not limit himself to reproducing reality, but developed a sensitivity towards atmosphere and light, anticipating the Symbolist movement.

In 1893 he won the gold medal at the Exhibition of the Society of Fine Arts in Milan, obtaining his first official recognition. From that moment on, his fame grew rapidly, with participations in important exhibitions in Italy and abroad, including Munich, Barcelona, Montevideo and San Paolo.

In addition to seascapes, Cavaleri dedicated himself to landscapes, still lifes and portraits, always with a personal style that combined realism and symbolism. His palette was rich in soft and bright colors, which created evocative and poetic atmospheres.

Among his most famous works are "Tramonto" (Sunset) (1912), "Pace" (Peace) (1912), "La Signora in grigio" (The Lady in Grey) (1920) and "Il Giardino delle Esperidi" (The Garden of the Hesperides) (1930). Cavaleri also received important commissions for mural decorations, including those for the Palace of Justice in Milan and the Villa Borromeo d'Adda in Arcore.

In 1935 a major retrospective of his work was held at the Galleria Pesaro in Milan, confirming his role as a leading artist in the Italian panorama of the early twentieth century. Ludovico Cavaleri died in Cento on January 2, 1942, leaving behind an artistic legacy rich in charm and suggestion.

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